Internal Defibrillator


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Defibrillators- Will You Be the Next One Saved by an AED?

AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator. An AED, or Automated External Defibrillator is a lightweight, portable Defibrillator made for use by the general public.

People most likely to benefit from having a defibrillator in their home are those with known risk factors for cardiac arrest or defibrillation. If you choose not to have a defibrillator are you saying that your premises are more important than the people within it? No, most likely its just a lack of awareness of these devices being available.

AEDs are becoming more popular in the workplace environment as well. One of our local companies recently sponsored a series of CPR classes and purchased AEDs for their various buildings. Included in the CPR classes was training on proper use of the defibrillator devices. We consider this very proactive and displays a genuine respect for the health and safety of their employees.

What is the purpose of an AED? The defibrillator shocks your heart back into a normal rhythm. This is done on a larger scale in hospitals, but in emergency situations outside of a medical environment these compact portable units can save a life. For the general public, those buying a home defibrillator are cautioned to call 911 first, then use the home defibrillator until professional help arrives. The 911 dispatcher can often provide guidance over the phone if you become flustered. Defibrillator are saving lives in public places such as shopping malls, theaters, and offices.

Amazingly many people are still unaware of the availability of the automatic external defibrillator machine and how useful it really is. If you were in a life or death situation involving a heart attack and an Automatic External Defibrillator was available, would you know how to use it? Most of the units come with picture and text instructions, but the daunting reality of what you’re facing can be overwhelming which is why we recommend using it after calling 911.

For proactive offices and managers of public areas, the cost to acquire an approved Automatic External Defibrillator is currently between $3000 and $5000.

In short, we recommend considering and researching the availability and cost of AEDs in your area and making them available either at home or in your office. It’s hard to put a price on saving a life.

For more information on defibrillators and AEDs visit our website.


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